The Bull at Pinehurst Farms
Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Dates: 4/23/2014
Par 72, 6424 yards
Rank |
Player |
Team |
Total |
Par |
1 |
Matt Bachmann | Sheboygan Falls |
76 |
+4 |
t |
2 |
Matt Andrews | Sheboygan Falls |
81 |
+9 |
t |
2 |
Mathew Davidson | Mc Farland |
81 |
+9 |
t |
2 |
Brooks Johnson | Edgerton |
81 |
+9 |
t |
2 |
Brady Sarauer | Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
81 |
+9 |
t |
6 |
Logan DeMaa | Waupun |
83 |
+11 |
t |
6 |
Hunter Pipik | Edgerton |
83 |
+11 |
t |
8 |
Jackson Eversol | Mc Farland |
84 |
+12 |
t |
8 |
Patrick Treichel | Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
84 |
+12 |
t |
10 |
Caleb Johnson | Edgerton |
85 |
+13 |
t |
10 |
Matt Kraus | Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
85 |
+13 |
t |
10 |
Drew Pipik | Edgerton |
85 |
+13 |
t |
13 |
Jack Adams | Campbellsport |
86 |
+14 |
t |
13 |
Logan Anderson | Edgerton |
86 |
+14 |
t |
13 |
Austin Barr | Waukesha West |
86 |
+14 |
t |
13 |
J.J. Denk | Waukesha West |
86 |
+14 |
t |
13 |
Austin Madden | Sheboygan Falls |
86 |
+14 |
18 |
Joe Coxey | Waukesha West |
87 |
+15 |
19 |
Matt Wells | Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
89 |
+17 |
t |
20 |
Josh Salm | Valders |
90 |
+18 |
t |
20 |
Ben Spector | Nicolet |
90 |
+18 |
t |
22 |
Alex Braun | Nicolet |
91 |
+19 |
t |
22 |
Calvin Katzfey | Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
91 |
+19 |
t |
24 |
Tyler Beeck | Sheboygan Falls |
92 |
+20 |
t |
24 |
George Lemmenes | Waupun |
92 |
+20 |
t |
24 |
Ben Mand | North Fond du Lac |
92 |
+20 |
t |
24 |
Nick St. Onge | Sheboygan Falls |
92 |
+20 |
t |
28 |
Tucker Bauman | Nicolet |
93 |
+21 |
t |
28 |
August Eurich | Nicolet |
93 |
+21 |
t |
30 |
David Kotalik | Waukesha West |
95 |
+23 |
t |
30 |
Holden Serwe | Campbellsport |
95 |
+23 |
t |
30 |
Nolen Stoffel | Campbellsport |
95 |
+23 |
33 |
Craig Kravetz | Nicolet |
96 |
+24 |
t |
34 |
Justin Eller | Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
97 |
+25 |
t |
34 |
Brad Jacques | Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
97 |
+25 |
t |
34 |
Brenden Mock | Waupun |
97 |
+25 |
t |
34 |
Nate Mulry | Little Chute |
97 |
+25 |
t |
34 |
Zack Siikarla | Valders |
97 |
+25 |
t |
39 |
Caleb Galligan | Campbellsport |
98 |
+26 |
t |
39 |
Tyler Miller | Valders |
98 |
+26 |
t |
39 |
Tyler Mueller | Port Washington |
98 |
+26 |
t |
39 |
Sean Murray | Kewaskum |
98 |
+26 |
t |
39 |
Sam Schlosser | Kewaskum |
98 |
+26 |
t |
44 |
Antonio Bett | Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah |
99 |
+27 |
t |
44 |
Brian Eimiller | North Fond du Lac |
99 |
+27 |
t |
46 |
Seth Howery | Mc Farland |
100 |
+28 |
t |
46 |
Mundo Lazcano | Waukesha West |
100 |
+28 |
48 |
Christian McGalloway | Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
101 |
+29 |
t |
49 |
Sara Logterman | North Fond du Lac |
102 |
+30 |
t |
49 |
Sawyer Schmidt | Kewaskum |
102 |
+30 |
t |
51 |
Brandon Acker | Mc Farland |
103 |
+31 |
t |
51 |
Alex Leininger | Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
103 |
+31 |
t |
51 |
Ty Schmidt | Campbellsport |
103 |
+31 |
t |
54 |
J.P. Luessman | Mc Farland |
106 |
+34 |
t |
54 |
Jordan Torrison | Valders |
106 |
+34 |
t |
54 |
Luke Verbruggen | Little Chute |
106 |
+34 |
57 |
Jake Shovan | Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah |
107 |
+35 |
t |
58 |
Mason Domask | Waupun |
108 |
+36 |
t |
58 |
Matt Murphy | Port Washington |
108 |
+36 |
t |
58 |
Andy Navis | Waupun |
108 |
+36 |
61 |
Elliot Van Oss | Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah |
109 |
+37 |
62 |
Jason Radl | Valders |
112 |
+40 |
63 |
Stephen Clemens | Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah |
116 |
+44 |
64 |
Brad Karrells | Port Washington |
117 |
+45 |
t |
65 |
Peyton Gardipee | Port Washington |
118 |
+46 |
t |
65 |
Chris Peeters | Little Chute |
118 |
+46 |
t |
65 |
Greg Rate | Kewaskum |
118 |
+46 |
t |
68 |
Travis Belongea | Little Chute |
122 |
+50 |
t |
68 |
Peter Kortes | Port Washington |
122 |
+50 |
70 |
Tony Schmitz | Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
126 |
+54 |
71 |
Mitch VandenHeuvel | Little Chute |
128 |
+56 |
72 |
Cole Orlebeke | North Fond du Lac |
137 |
+65 |
73 |
Mitch Ballwanz | North Fond du Lac |
138 |
+66 |
4/23/2014 -- Sheboygan Falls Early Bird Invitational
The Bull at Pinehurst Farms -- Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Par 72, 6424 yards -- 15 teams, 73 players
Campbellsport |
374 |
+86 |
8th |
Jack Adams |
86 |
+14 |
t-13th |
Holden Serwe |
95 |
+23 |
t-30th |
Nolen Stoffel |
95 |
+23 |
t-30th |
Caleb Galligan |
98 |
+26 |
t-39th |
Ty Schmidt |
103 |
+31 |
t-51st |
Edgerton |
334 |
+46 |
1st |
Brooks Johnson |
81 |
+9 |
t-2nd |
Hunter Pipik |
83 |
+11 |
t-6th |
Caleb Johnson |
85 |
+13 |
t-10th |
Drew Pipik |
85 |
+13 |
t-10th |
Logan Anderson |
86 |
+14 |
t-13th |
Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah |
431 |
+143 |
13th |
Antonio Bett |
99 |
+27 |
t-44th |
Jake Shovan |
107 |
+35 |
57th |
Elliot Van Oss |
109 |
+37 |
61st |
Stephen Clemens |
116 |
+44 |
63rd |
Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs |
363 |
+75 |
5th |
Brady Sarauer |
81 |
+9 |
t-2nd |
Patrick Treichel |
84 |
+12 |
t-8th |
Brad Jacques |
97 |
+25 |
t-34th |
Christian McGalloway |
101 |
+29 |
48th |
Tony Schmitz |
126 |
+54 |
70th |
Kettle Moraine Lutheran |
362 |
+74 |
4th |
Matt Kraus |
85 |
+13 |
t-10th |
Matt Wells |
89 |
+17 |
19th |
Calvin Katzfey |
91 |
+19 |
t-22nd |
Justin Eller |
97 |
+25 |
t-34th |
Alex Leininger |
103 |
+31 |
t-51st |
Kewaskum |
416 |
+128 |
11th |
Sean Murray |
98 |
+26 |
t-39th |
Sam Schlosser |
98 |
+26 |
t-39th |
Sawyer Schmidt |
102 |
+30 |
t-49th |
Greg Rate |
118 |
+46 |
t-65th |
Little Chute |
443 |
+155 |
15th |
Nate Mulry |
97 |
+25 |
t-34th |
Luke Verbruggen |
106 |
+34 |
t-54th |
Chris Peeters |
118 |
+46 |
t-65th |
Travis Belongea |
122 |
+50 |
t-68th |
Mitch VandenHeuvel |
128 |
+56 |
71st |
Mc Farland |
368 |
+80 |
7th |
Mathew Davidson |
81 |
+9 |
t-2nd |
Jackson Eversol |
84 |
+12 |
t-8th |
Seth Howery |
100 |
+28 |
t-46th |
Brandon Acker |
103 |
+31 |
t-51st |
J.P. Luessman |
106 |
+34 |
t-54th |
Nicolet |
367 |
+79 |
6th |
Ben Spector |
90 |
+18 |
t-20th |
Alex Braun |
91 |
+19 |
t-22nd |
Tucker Bauman |
93 |
+21 |
t-28th |
August Eurich |
93 |
+21 |
t-28th |
Craig Kravetz |
96 |
+24 |
33rd |
North Fond du Lac |
430 |
+142 |
12th |
Ben Mand |
92 |
+20 |
t-24th |
Brian Eimiller |
99 |
+27 |
t-44th |
Sara Logterman |
102 |
+30 |
t-49th |
Cole Orlebeke |
137 |
+65 |
72nd |
Mitch Ballwanz |
138 |
+66 |
73rd |
Port Washington |
441 |
+153 |
14th |
Tyler Mueller |
98 |
+26 |
t-39th |
Matt Murphy |
108 |
+36 |
t-58th |
Brad Karrells |
117 |
+45 |
64th |
Peyton Gardipee |
118 |
+46 |
t-65th |
Peter Kortes |
122 |
+50 |
t-68th |
Sheboygan Falls |
335 |
+47 |
2nd |
Matt Bachmann |
76 |
+4 |
1st |
Matt Andrews |
81 |
+9 |
t-2nd |
Austin Madden |
86 |
+14 |
t-13th |
Tyler Beeck |
92 |
+20 |
t-24th |
Nick St. Onge |
92 |
+20 |
t-24th |
Valders |
391 |
+103 |
10th |
Josh Salm |
90 |
+18 |
t-20th |
Zack Siikarla |
97 |
+25 |
t-34th |
Tyler Miller |
98 |
+26 |
t-39th |
Jordan Torrison |
106 |
+34 |
t-54th |
Jason Radl |
112 |
+40 |
62nd |
Waukesha West |
354 |
+66 |
3rd |
Austin Barr |
86 |
+14 |
t-13th |
J.J. Denk |
86 |
+14 |
t-13th |
Joe Coxey |
87 |
+15 |
18th |
David Kotalik |
95 |
+23 |
t-30th |
Mundo Lazcano |
100 |
+28 |
t-46th |
Waupun |
380 |
+92 |
9th |
Logan DeMaa |
83 |
+11 |
t-6th |
George Lemmenes |
92 |
+20 |
t-24th |
Brenden Mock |
97 |
+25 |
t-34th |
Mason Domask |
108 |
+36 |
t-58th |
Andy Navis |
108 |
+36 |
t-58th |
# Indicates individual player
AP-Style Tournament Results
Sheboygan Falls Early Bird Invitational
The Bull at Pinehurst Farms
Sheboygan Falls, Wis.
Dates: 4/23/2014
Par 72, 6424 yards
Fin. Top 20 teams Total Par
1 Edgerton....................... 334 +46
2 Sheboygan Falls................ 335 +47
3 Waukesha West.................. 354 +66
4 Kettle Moraine Lutheran........ 362 +74
5 Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs. 363 +75
6 Nicolet........................ 367 +79
7 Mc Farland..................... 368 +80
8 Campbellsport.................. 374 +86
9 Waupun......................... 380 +92
10 Valders........................ 391 +103
11 Kewaskum....................... 416 +128
12 North Fond du Lac.............. 430 +142
13 Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah........ 431 +143
14 Port Washington................ 441 +153
15 Little Chute................... 443 +155
Fin. Top 20 Players Team Total Par
1 Matt Bachmann........ Sheboygan Falls................ 76 +4
t 2 Matt Andrews......... Sheboygan Falls................ 81 +9
t 2 Mathew Davidson...... Mc Farland..................... 81 +9
t 2 Brooks Johnson....... Edgerton....................... 81 +9
t 2 Brady Sarauer........ Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs. 81 +9
t 6 Logan DeMaa.......... Waupun......................... 83 +11
t 6 Hunter Pipik......... Edgerton....................... 83 +11
t 8 Jackson Eversol...... Mc Farland..................... 84 +12
t 8 Patrick Treichel..... Fond du Lac St. Mary's Springs. 84 +12
t 10 Caleb Johnson........ Edgerton....................... 85 +13
t 10 Matt Kraus........... Kettle Moraine Lutheran........ 85 +13
t 10 Drew Pipik........... Edgerton....................... 85 +13
t 13 Jack Adams........... Campbellsport.................. 86 +14
t 13 Logan Anderson....... Edgerton....................... 86 +14
t 13 Austin Barr.......... Waukesha West.................. 86 +14
t 13 J.J. Denk............ Waukesha West.................. 86 +14
t 13 Austin Madden........ Sheboygan Falls................ 86 +14
18 Joe Coxey............ Waukesha West.................. 87 +15
19 Matt Wells........... Kettle Moraine Lutheran........ 89 +17
t 20 Josh Salm............ Valders........................ 90 +18
t 20 Ben Spector.......... Nicolet........................ 90 +18